Modelagem hidrodinamica de um mecanismo pulso duplicador




Pulse duplicators simulators are useful devices in biomedical applications. They can simulate in vitro flow phenomena related to arterial blood flow such as: stenosis, aneurysms, bifurcations, vessel elasticity among others. The purpose of this work is two-fold: develop mathematicaltools to model and analyze pulse duplicators simulators and the propose a new conceptual design of pulse duplicator. The one-dimensional mathematical model is founded on the conservations equations of mass, momentum and energy. A scale analysisis performed on the system rendering the equations in dimensionless form plus dimensional groups representing geometric and dynamic flow parameters. The solution is obtained by means of two methods: one analytical approximated method with the use of perturbation theory and the other a numericalmethod developed in the Mathematicaâ. The mathematicaltools were applied to analyzethe dynamicbehavior of a new valveless pulse duplicator designoThe pulse duplicator concept relies on the decomposition of a given waveform in twO components: DC and AC levels which represent, respectively, the waveform time average and fluctuatingcomponents. The waveformDC component is supplied by a constant head tank while the AC component is given by a reciprocating piston pump controlled by a computer


escoamento pulsatil ultra-sonografia doppler perturbação (matematica)

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