Microbial additives on ensiling and the performance of lactating cows fed with sugarcane silage compared to traditional roughage sources / Associação de aditivos microbianos na ensilagem e o desempenho de vacas em lactação recebendo silagem de cana-de-açúcar comparada a volumosos tradicionais




The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of chemical and microbial additives and the combination over the fermentative dynamics and the aerobic stability in the sugarcane silage as well to study the performance of high producing dairy cows fed with different roughage sources. In the first trial, sugarcane silage was prepared in lab silos of 20L, with a gas relief valve and a device for collecting effluent. The experiment was randomly arranged, in a factorial design, with two openings 80 and 140 days, across 8 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments evaluated were: urea 1%, 1.2-propanediol 1%DM (1.2 p) L. buchneri 5x104 cfu/g (Lb), L. diolivorans in two concentrations 1x105 cfu/g (Ld 105) and 1x106 cfu/g (Ld 106), L. diolivorans 1x106 cfu/g plus L. buchneri 5x104 cfu/g (Ld+Lb) and 1.2- propanediol 1%DM plus L. diolivorans 1x 106 cfu/g (1,2 p+Ld 106). After opening the silos, the aerobic stability assay was performed in an environmental controlled room. The treatments containing Ld +1.2 p, or Ld 106 + Lb showed the lowest values of total DM loss, 20.42% and 23.73% respectively. Both treatments also showed the lowest levels of ethanol 2.1% and 3.93% of DM, and gases losses 20.36% and 20.62%. For both NDF and ADF, lower values were detected for the following treatments: urea, 1.2 p + Ld 106, Ld + Lb and Ld105. As for the aerobic stability, there were differences between the openings dates, 48.03h (140 days) and 31.35h (80 days). The microorganism L. diolivorans turn out to be promising alternative able to show positive results on the fermentative losses and nutritive value in sugarcane silage. The second experiment evaluated the performance of cows fed rations with different sources of roughage: fresh sugarcane, sugarcane silage, corn silage and mixture of corn silage and fresh sugarcane (50:50). Forty eight mid lactation Holstein cows were assigned to multiple latin square design 4x4, with 21-d period (14-d adaptation and 7-d the sample collection). As well the animal performance fed and milk compositions were evaluated and also ingestivo behavior of cows and the aerobic stability of forage and rations were analyzed. The performance data has shown differences in the dry matter intake (DMI), with the highest values observed for the sugarcane silage (23.5 kg/day) and the mixture (23.5 kg/day). All rations resulted in high milk production (22.65 kg/day) which did not differ among treatments. The milk composition varied only for the fat percentage, which was higher for the corn silage treatment (3.61%) and the mix (3.48%). Sugarcane silage was exhibited as an interesting forage alternative when compared to fresh sugarcane. Both options may support high milk yields by the adequacy of rations balancing.


milk production lactobacillus lactação animal 2-propanediol ensilagem cana-de-açúcar silagem alimentos volumosos fermentação alcoólica anaerobia urea uréia l buchneri corn silage ldiolivorans 1 leite – produção ração

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