Metodologia para o calculo da confiabilidade de sistemas complexos na fase de desenvolvimento




The development of a reliability evaluation method for complex systems, during their development phase, is presented in this work. The methods currently in use generate the indesirable reliability delta. The method proposed in this work uses the tradicional RBD (Reliability Block Diagram) Techinique, considering a temporal condition together with a feature of the data input of each diagram block. As a consequence, a instantaneous and event reliabity block diagram appear. To validate this method, it was applied to a industrial plataform used for teaching and research (PIPEFA). Three applications are presented. Was developed a software with this method. Na addicional study was performed by using conents with different failure rates and weakest link analysis.The obtained results show that the developed method is successful in predicting a better option, more reliable, during the development phase of a complex system


automação confiabilidade (engenharia) projetos - elaboração

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