Methodological aspects to determining the internal loads on the human column. / Aspectos metodológicos para a determinação de cargas internas na coluna vertebral.




Load lifting yields a contact force in the lumbar region (L5-S1) that can sometimes reach the value of the body weight, depending upon the elevated load. Force analyses (muscular, weight, load), the spine being consided as a rigid shank, with extension beimg done only by the erector spine musculature, represent a poor approximation, since the several muscular forces involved are not adequately analysed and the rectification movement of the spine is not taken into account. The purpose of this study was to develop a simplified two dimensional biomechanical model in order to evaluate the forces during activities of improper load bearing and the movement of flexion/extension in the lumbar spine. The spine was assumed as a linear rigid array of articulate segments. Using inverse dynamics applied to a simplified link segment model,the average muscular forces and bone-to-bone contact force in the L5-S1 vertebral joint were evaluated as a function of the back extension muscles insertion angles. For the model construction the main musculature, the anthropometric data, and model the muscle insertion angles, and the image acquisition register of the weight loading movement were identified. The mathematical model yielded a system of equations that evaluates the acting forces on the spine during the extension movement, as a function of the a atomical data.


biomechanics load lifting spine coluna biomecânica levantamento de carga

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