Metáforas em campo: o futebol e sua plurivalência metafórica no jornal Agora São Paulo




This dissertation, which is directed towards the research of Discourse Varieties, deals with linguistic representations in soccer using metaphors, in the sports section of the Agora São Paulo newspaper. The research on sports journalism language is focused on relevant categories, namely the headline and the lead, for they are more immediate receptacles in the apprehension of news discourse. The purpose is to relate the soccer domain to other semantic domains. Such interconnections makes it possible to understand soccer as a sport that goes beyond merely sports-related limits and settles as a social, political and cultural fact in Brazil. The research is based on studies on metaphor within the scope of cognitive linguistics, particularly in the light of Lakoff &Johnsons position. In this approach, metaphor takes the spotlight in the process of understanding human comprehension, since it leads both the grasping and the development of language. The study points out the connections between the soccer semantic domain and other semantic domains, such as war, religion, death, love and soap opera, thus making it possible to determine that this sport is represented through a metaphorical plurality


jornalismo - linguagem soccer jornalismo esportivo lead cognitive metaphor lingua portuguesa lead headline metáfora cognitiva manchete futebol sports journalistic language

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