Memórias e vida escolar: relatos de formação de professoras da educação infantil Brusque/SC




In this paper, intitled Memórias e Vida Escolar Relatos de Formação de Professoras da Educação Infantil, Brusque (Memories and School Life - Stories of Teachers education from Children Education, Brusque S/C), I do research into the practical carried out in the daily teaching, as learners and as teachers, who assisted in the teachersconstruction process of the Children Education of Rede Municipal de Ensino Brusque, in the eighties and nineties. The research was done from the analyses of the teachers education stories, when it is necessary to understand the way the teachers built their experience, their relations, strategies, significance, and as a result of that they constructed themselves as historical citizens. Working with their memories since the beginning of their learning to the lived experiences as teachers, they had told how they had constructed a didactic style. From these memories is convenient to say that the professional practicals are developed through the habitus constitution, which are related with their social trajectory. Thus, they tell the theory failure, praise the practical as the responsible for teaching, that is, they learn to be teachers with their practices, observing the way to teach, the educational procedures, similar to the ones they had lived as students, and now, reproduced, as teachers, choosing a didactic style to teach at nursery. In this study, the interactions are told by means of fragments of the daily teaching. Joined the theoretical base, they compose a mosaic, whose possibility of distinguishing are clarifying. I do not have the desire for explanation, but the reflection on the civilization conditions from teaching relation and from becoming teacher.


memory memória educação educação de crianças brusque (sc) professoras habitus habitus educacao teacher education mulheres na educação formação de professores

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