Memórias de vi(n)das nos tempos de Mrs. Dalloway e meu amigo Marcel Proust romance.




This study has, as its theme, the memory and its relationship with the configurations and reconfigurations of the esthetic selves, the protagonists, in specific, in the novels Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, and Meu Amigo Marcel Proust Romance, by Judith Grossmann. From this main point, that is, the subjective memory, focused in the first chapter, two other categories of memory, which compose two chapters of the dissertation, were discussed, namely, the cultural one and that of readings. Categories which were discussed separately only for a didactic question, since they are interrelated in the process of the constitution of subjectivity. As for the self, in this dissertation, it was studied in the esthetic domain, although, in some moments, disregarding the strict object of the research, brief considerations about the writers were made. Aspects of the modernity and the post-modernity were also objects of investigation, reflected through Mrs. Dalloway and Meu Amigo Marcel Proust Romance, respectively, considering the relationship between these contexts and the characters identity in these novels. Questions developed, especially, in the first and second chapters, for the reason that they were about identity and cultural context. It is pertinent to mention that the reflections about these contexts considered modern traces in Judith Grossmanns narrative, and post-modern ones, in Virginia Woolfs novel. This investigation also involved the relationship that the characters have with the time, which is divided into two categories, the mythic and the linear one, according to the types presented by Alfredo Bosi (1992), and the monumental time, defined by Paul Ricoeur (1997), which interfere in the constitution of the esthetic selves and their attitude towards the world and the arts, specifically, the literary one.


post -modernity subjectivity modernidade modernity arte art subjetividade memory memórias linguistica, letras e artes pós-modernidade

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