Medicina e religião no espaço hospitalar




The finality of this study is to identify and analyse the characteristics and growth of hospital instituitions administrated by Religious Spiritists. The objective of this work is to understand a medical hospital envirorenment. We chose only one hospital organization that cares and gives medical and spiritual assistance to people with multiple deficiences. We used the Pierre Bordieu?s methodology (praxiology). We developed specialized interviews prepared with directional questions to the religious workers and health professional. After analysing Allan Kardec?s, Bezerra de Menezes?, Andre Luiz?s and spiritist doctors? spiritual literature, we identified and analysed the relations of forces between four types of workers (agents): spiritual religious workers, spiritual managers, hybrid religious workers and hybrid health workers. In this situation, we finally analysed a case of spiritual and biomedics cure. We discovered a field of symbolic interworkers struggles within a hospital enviroment of a hybrid nature, which favours the understanding of the relationships among those that use theraupetic practices as well as medical and religious practices, it is important to emphasize in this fhilanthropic enterprise: the market of spiritual assets, the strategies used in the process of production and distribuition of spiritual therapeutics circulation services such as salvation assets within the religious field


instituições religiosas e eclesiasticas hospitais - aspectos sociologicos espiritismo

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