Mecanismo da decomposição e reações com radicais em acetatos / Decomposition mecanism and radical reactions with acetates


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Computational studies on methyl and ethyl acetates molecules using ab initio and density functional calculations exploring the unimolecular mechanism, induced by multiphoton absorption, and the bimolecular reactions with OH and Cl radicals, have been performed in this work. Analysis of the calculated energy barriers and rate constants of unimolecular reactions with the RRKM microcanonical theory, predicts the occurrence of some reactions whose products were not determined experimentally. Furthermore, similarities on geometrical and energetic of some structures between different energy surfaces, analyzed with IRC calculations, allowed the explanation of the viability of a particular reaction pathway over another. Forst\ s method, used to determine variational rate constants, when compared with the variation of Gibbs energy, generates microcanonical rate constants with smaller values and location of transition states in smaller bond lengths. With OH and Cl, the predominant reaction route is the attack on the hydrogens of the group bonded directly to oxygen in the molecule, responsible for more than 93% of the final constant value in reactions with OH and 99% in reactions with Cl , at 298 K, in agreement with the experimental results, while the attack to the CH3 group in the carboxylate portion of the molecule is the less likely to occur. In reactions with OH, the values of the rate constant calculated closer to the experimental values were obtained from the results with functional mPW1B95-41, for methyl acetate, and mPW1B95-44 for ethyl acetate, whereas in reactions with Cl, were obtained with the CCSD(T)//B3LYP method for the methyl acetate and the CCSD(T)//MP2 method for ethyl acetate. The rate constant for the reaction with chlorine are about ten times larger than those for reactions with OH radicals. Reactions with OH and Cl occur in a single step, without stabilization of the intermediary and without significant tunneling effect. The rate constant obtained by the structure-reactivity relationship (SAR) overestimates the reactivity of the hydrogens of the CH3 groups at the carboxylate portion, in both acetates, and at the ethoxide portion of ethyl acetate. This method fails to describe the participation of each group in the reaction with Cl, predicting that the reaction on the CH3 portion of the alkoxide becomes predominant over the reaction on the CH2 group of ethyl acetate, relative to our calculations where the reaction with the CH2 group is predominant. Another flaw by providing the same reactivity for both the CH3 in methyl acetate, is in disagreement with our calculations which indicate that the reaction occurs predominantly in the CH3 group at the alkoxide portion of the molecule.


ab initio ab initio acetates acetatos chemical kinetics cinética química constantes de velocidade quantum chemistry química quântica rate constants termoquímica thermochemistry

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