Measurement, prediction and analysis of airborne particles in surgical rooms. / Medição, predição e análise de partículas aéreas em salas cirúrgicas.




Air conditioning systems exert an important function in surgical rooms, to protect the surgical wound and the sterile equipments from airborne infected particles. This protection is achieved by means of a simultaneous control of the movement and distribution of the air, of the temperature, of the humidity, of the filtering, of air infiltrations from other sections etc. Those factors directly affect the amount of airborne particles present in a surgical room. Within this context, the present work aimed to develop a mathematical model for the prediction of particle concentrations in surgical rooms and for the determination of the relative importance of the factors that interfere in the generation and removal of those particles. The proposed model, based on mass balance for the calculation of the particle concentrations, has been applied and validated with the data obtained from different types of air conditioning systems in which the measurements were carried out, as well as with different conditions that commonly occur in the routine of surgical rooms. For each one of these conditions, a certain group of relative parameters is proposed to the environment, to the air conditioning system, and to the concentrations of particles originated from the different sources, which are used as input data to the model. The proposed model can also be used as an important tool to aid in the specific analysis of the factors that affect both particle generation and removal.


surgical rooms contaminação aérea ar condicionado air quality airborne contamination qualidade do ar salas cirúrgicas air conditioning

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