Marketing no terceiro setor : estudo de caso com o GAPA- Bahia.




This research investigated the social marketing in the Third Section utilization. For that, it was concluded a bibliografy search about this subject, and a study case with GAPA-Bahia, wuth intuition of sublime this marketing projects and actions, wich one did by the organization, until now. They got the best performance, so as the causes and the results. We looking for remark the variables (1) reason, (2) estrategy and (3) results of the projects and the actions. The results shows the marketing like na excelent option of strategy tool to work image and enlist resource to the Third Section organizations, having like primer the GAPA-Bahia, wich one shows a one-sided transfer for the resources of the international coorporations agency for the source picked-up localy to the marketing utility diversifying the organization sourch and make sure your action, better volunteer fathom, image earn, and earn with the massive divulgation about the foco subject of NGO: AIDS.


sociedade marketing social responsability marketing administracao social marketing marketing social society terceiro setor ngos ongs third sector responsabilidade social

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