Long-lasting training-effect (EPDT) of concentrated strenght training loads investigation on volley-ball athletes from "infanto-juvnil" and juvenil age groups" / O efeito posterior duradouro de treinamento (EPDT) das cargas concentradas de força : investigação a partir de ensaio com equipe infanto juvenil e juvenil de voleibol




The Long-Lasting Training Effect (EPDT) of concentrated strength training loads - Investigation on Volley-Ballathletes from "infanto-juvenil"and "juvenil age groups" The main purpose of this study was to analyse the phenomena of the load of strength training (A) during the annual training cycle. It was used a longitudinal approach aiming to control the dynamics of changes in different conditionig and coordenative variables, such as maximal speed, explosive strength, in accordance with the macrocycles, periods and microperiods that constituted the time strutureof training processo The sample was constituted of 21 female athletes, 11 from the "infanto-juvenil"age group (age ranging from 15.8 to 17.1 years, mean = 16.3 years) and 10 from the "juvenil" age group (age ranging from 16.3 to 20.1 years, mean = 18,1 years). Ali athletes competed for the Volley-Ball Team of the "Serra Negra Esporte Clube" from the São Paulo state. Based on the statistical analysis of the data, wich consisted of means, standard deviation and Tukey HSD post-hoc tests and observing the significance levei of 0.05 (5%), it was possible to conclude that the young athletes submmited during the initial períod of training (A) to a concentrated strength training load of notable volume, constituted by exercises of general and special preparation, presented a positive or negative change on their performance capacity. This changes were observed in different levels of intensity and duration, follwed by an increase or not of these indices to an upper levei, after the decrease of the volume of load, obeying a characteristic of the age group, different from the model observed in high levei athletes. Also, it was observed that the extent of the EPDT on the B and C periods, respectively, pre-competition and competition periods, was closely related to the size of the change in homeostasys observed on period A. In regards to the"infanto-juvenil" group, the moderate positive change of long duration on the homeostasys (APMLD) showed the highest efficacy in relation to the size of manifestation of EPDT of maximal velocity, whereas the deep positive changes of long duration (APPLD) and the moderate positive change of long duration (APMLD) showed the highest efficacy in relation to the size of manifestation of EPDT of explosive and velocity strength. In regards to the "juvenil" group, the deep positive change of long duration (APPLD) showed the highest efficacy in relation to the size of manifestation of EPDT of explosive and velocity strength, whereas that the moderarte positive change of long duration on the homeostasys (APMLD) showed the highest efficacy in relation to the size of manifestation of EPDT of maximal velocity. It can be concluded that the control of changes in homeostasys and its relation with the EPDT, constitute a new methodological approach, fundamental for the better control of trai1ling loads in yooog athletes


educação fisica e treinamento voleibol

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