Liquidos de Luttinger não homogeneos




In this work, we study inhomogeneous strongly correlated electron systems. A Luttinger liquid superlattice, modeled by a repeated pattern of two different Luttinger liquids was considered. We find that the effective low-energy description amalgamates features of both types of liquids in proportion to their spatial extent. The Drude peak is given by the product of the effective charge velocity and the effective exponent in the charge-charge correlation function. The scaling laws between the exponents of the correlation functions are maintained, but with effective exponents. The low-energy properties of a one-dimensional Hubbard superlattice (which consists of a periodic arrangement of two long Hubbard chains with different couplings and di.erent hoppings) and spin superlattices (consisting of a repeated pattern of two long spin -½ XXZ chains, with different anisotropy parameters) are described in terms of Luttinger liquid superlattices. One-dimensional Hubbard superlattices exhibit a very rich phase diagram with several different phases: metallic and insulating, the latter with no gap (compressible). Non-trivial plateaux, with magnetization depending of the relative sizes of the chains, were found in spin superlattices. We generalized and studied the Wolff model using bosonization. From a renormalization group calculation we found three phases (in first order of perturbation theory): charge conductor and spin insulator, perfect conductor and perfect insulator. Lines of unstable fixed points were found in second order of perturbation theory


interação eletron-eletron liquidos quanticos modelo de hubbard condutores unidimensionais

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