Limites impostos pela bioética e pelo direito brasileiro à manipulação genética na reprodução humana assistida.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper addresses the concern had been raised around the handling of the human genome especially in regard to the practices of genetic engineering in assisted reproduction and resulting need for protection of human genetic heritage for future generations. Accordingly we analyze the evolution of scientific knowledge to the genetic modification of biotechnology with special attention to the gap between science and ethics due to the dominant paradigm bioethics and the search for its revival. It is estimated moreover the function of principles as guides to human action in the face of new possibilities of intervention which no longer is bound to nature reaching the man himself. The article speaks to the importance of international declarations and documents and also about the indispensability of law as a tool able to regulate the research and biotechnology applications especially when facing the human being. The question of the legal treatment by the Brazilian legal system is discussed to demonstrate the legislative vacuum concerning the practices of assisted human reproduction and the possible consequences of this omission as well as legal limitations on the possibilities of genetic engineering on the constitution be generated by the genotypic these techniques. All work is to the north of the principles of human dignity as a condition of their vulnerability and the ethics of responsibility in order to protect the fundamental right to human genetic resources headed by present and future humanity.


responsibility vulnerability direito future generations genetic heritage assisted reproduction genetic engineering limites bioético-jurídicos direitos fundamentais responsabilidade vulnerabilidade dignidade humana gerações futuras patrimônio genético reprodução assistida engenharia genética human dignity fundamental rights bioethical and legal limits

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