LIBERDADE E DIVERSIDADE RELIGIOSA EM ANÁPOLIS: Construção da Harmonia na Pluralidade / SOUZA FILHO, Oscar Vasconcelos de. Freedom and Religious Diversity in Anápolis: Construction of the Harmony in the Plurality. Dissertation (Masters degree). UCG, Goiânia, 2006. 132 p.




This dissertation is the result of a study, in the municipality of Anápolis, in the current context of Religious Education in a pluralistic world. Proposes an alternative process in leading people to maturity in open criticism, in a process which leads to learning more pleasurable. The starting point is the ecumenical attitude with the corner stone of the constitutional construction of religious freedom and Religious Education, which is a mere consequence of religious freedom. The work concludes that the nonproselytism promotes a civilization through social harmony.


proselytism ensino religioso religious intolerance relativismo intolerância religiosa relativism proselitismo religious education ecumenismo teologia ecumenism

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