La construcción de desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo de los investigadores en México


Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)




This article shows how the labor market of researchers in Mexico - characterized by a high level of education - is also ruled by blind institutional structures that, finally, reproduce inequities in a similar way to those which we would encounter in any other workers' segment with a lesser level of education. Though, evidently, the intensity of inequities is smaller and in some occasions they turn out to be transfigured. This segment has a growth dynamic that advances in the opposite direction to what happens in the current context of the massive destruction of employment. Inequities are orientated towards female and young researchers and, although we can find exceptional working conditions with regard to other segments, these conditions are extraordinarily fragile. The main obstacle to the absolute and rational growth of the activity of research in Mexico - leaving the persistently low investment in R+D of the Mexican government - is the concentration of the research in the F.D. and in three institutions: the UNAM, The UAM and the Politechnical Institute (IPN). We conclude with the need to go on to the second phase of institutionalization of research in Mexico.

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