Juventude, EJA e relações raciais: um estudo sobre os significados e sentidos atribuídos pelos jovens negros aos processos de escolarização da EJA




This research aims at understanding both the significations and meanings conferred by Afro- Brazilian students to the schooling processes experienced by them at EJA (Education for youth and adults). The study was conducted with students from a public school of the City of Belo Horizonte which offers such educational mode and has a significant number of youngsters within the body of student. The study was based upon the following inquiry: Howdo Afro-Brazilian students signify their schooling processes and experiences at EJA? In order to provide an answer to such inquiry, a qualitative ethnographic research was conducted, using as methodology the participants observation. A questionnaire was used so as to collect data as to the subjects profile, their racial identity as well as their interest in participating in the research. Besides, one to one interviews were carried out with a group of six students who declared themselves blacks or brown. The study has concluded that, besides the visible meanings and significations attributed to the EJA schooling, other meanings and significations still found invisible at EJA were also revealed. These other meanings and significations relate to the educational interaction between teachers and students, the implications of being Black in the Brazilian society and the feeling of misplacement at EJA, in the school and society. Such situation could be considered normal when considering the poor students enrolled at EJA, but for Black students it is enhanced by both their experiences and perceptions, sometimes ambiguous, of their ethno-racial condition. The study points out that, due to the novelty of the matter, the understanding of the phenomenon of the rejuvenation of EJA still needs to be better understood by EJAs professionals, especially when it comes to diversity.


cultura movimentos sociais negros. educação teses.

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