Introdução de tópicos de física moderna e contemporânea no ensino médio por meio do estudo de ondas eletromagnéticas




Nowadays it is necessary, urgent and inevitable, to introduce topics on modern and contemporary Physics in Brazilian schools. It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, our students, in the highlight of the use of technology promoted by modern Physics, have no background of this fascinating and wide area of Physics. In this research we propose the introduction of some Quantum Physics topics, which are present in the daily life of our students, to give them subsidies to understand the scientific principles around them and experience their citizenship in a more critic way. For the development of our study we used as theoretical reference the David Ausubel‟s Meaningful Learning Theory. We propose a reorganization of the topic Electromagnetic Waves in order to work issues such as: the Bohr atomic model, dual nature of light, X-rays and photoelectric effect. The research project was o arried out using two classes of second year of high school from the public system of Distrito Federal where in one of the classes, the experimental group, the material produced by us was applied, involving topics of Modern Physics and in the second class was developed the same topic, Electromagnetic Waves, but only under the approach of Classical Physics. From the analysis of the outcomes of the experimental group we can conclude that students who participated in the project managed to learn significantly both contents, the Classical as well as the Modern and Contemporary Physics suggested by us. A manual for teachers‟ use is part of this dissertation with the aims of each class proposed, the hours required for their development, slides used in classes, laboratories‟ guides and evaluation activities.


aprendizagem significativa ondas eletromagnéticas outros electromagnetic waves modern and contemporary physics topics significant learning

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