Introdução ao estudo dos regimes de imagens nos livros "Cinema" de Gilles Deleuze / Introduction to the study of images regimes in the Cinemas books of Gilles Deleuze




The ?taxionomy? of the cinematographic signs and the types of images, the four commentaries the Bergson, the monographs of more than 150 authors are some of the possible entrances the work Cinema of Gilles Deleuze. Here, it was opted to facing the work for the conceptual bias, namely, considered Image-movement and Image-time deleuzeans concepts. Thus, in first place, the research needed to understand which characteristics Deleuze gives to the concepts: they are constituted by elements in neighborhood relation having organized fields of solution for problems. The concepts of Image-movement and Image-time are dynamic and are differentiated through the different dynamic relations that its different elements do between itself. At the same time, the research covered the work Cinema in some directions, extracted more or less constant lines and attended many films. In this manner, it searched the elements that were placed in game when Deleuze needed to explain because one author made a ?indirect image of the time? or a ?direct image of the time? - the philosopher leaves clearly, in one of the interviews of Conversations, that its interest is to analyze how the devir of the images and signs constituted a ?automotion? and a ?autotimezation? of the images. And these terms are the problems for which the concepts of Image-movement and Image-time presents elements that, in relation, are capable to say something on the different authors and styles to make cinema


history filosofia - historia cinema - filosofia phylosophy motion picture philosophy

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