Intervention with group of parents of students with school failure / Intervenção com pais de alunos com insucesso escolar




ABSTRACT The involvement of parents has been regarded as one of the determinants of academic success and quality of learning. One of the most important way is the involvement of parents, by offering the improvement in scholastic performance of children with failure, and the participation of families in school life through a relationship of support and encouragement. The present study aims to check and evaluate the effects of an intervention group with parents about the relationship of these with the school and scholastic performance of their children, in four groups of parents of students with scholastic failure. The research was conducted in two public schools from elementary school, of a city in the interior of Sao Paulo, one in the central hall, another belongs to State in periphery. The total sample of participants was 235 parents of students applying to the success and failure at school, of the 2nd and 3rd series of two public schools, consisting of two groups-control and a group of intervention. The control group was composed of 198 parents of students divided in two ways: group of parents of students applying for scholastic success and group of parents of students applying for scholastic failure. The intervention group was composed of 37 parents of students considered candidates for the scholastic failure, with 20 participants of the School Hall, divided in 10 parents for each series, and 17 participants from the State School, 11 parents to the group of 2nd grade and 6 for the 3rd grade result of the final sample. We Used as a qualitative research methodology that was intended to collect the data of the intervention groups in the sociodramatic approach, and the quantitative research which aimed to assess the effects of the intervention. For this, the TDE were applied and two standardized questionnaires, like the type of Likert scale: of the Students and Parents. The analysis of qualitative data from the intervention that allows us to highlight the experience that parents obtained through the group, seems to have been the blueprint for the development of new relationships with the school, thus contributing to the engagement. This experience can be summed up in the union and the group interaction that helped parents; by spontaneity and not directivity experienced with sociodramatic intervention. Although it was possible to understand that the involvement of parents seems achieve greater depth, especially for scholastic efficiency. Statistical analysis of the results of the application, before and after the intervention of TDE and standardized questionnaires, have concluded that the involvement of parents in learning considerably influenced the learning school of children with scholastic failure , and that for School A, these effects were statistically significant, while for the School B, due primarily to decrease in the number of participants, they were so attenuated. The final conclusion is that the choice of a quantity-quality design was of fundamental importance to reveal the effects and singularities of the events promoted by the intervention.


relação família-escola rendimento escolar relationship family-school scholastic efficiency intervenção sociodramática sociodramatic intervention.

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