Interdisciplinaridade in courses of graduation in the area of the health of the University of Uberaba - Uniube / "Interdisciplinaridade em cursos de graduação na área da saúde da Universidade de Uberaba-UNIUBE"




This study aimed at getting to know how the interdisciplinary concept was understood by the subjects involved in the courses within the Health Area of the University of Uberaba – UNIUBE. The term Area has to do with courses integration and its disciplines. The Area, virtual matrix, performed the interdisciplinary experience through the Health Promotion Program – Pro-Health. This program was elaborated with the participation of different undergraduate courses, aiming at the health priorities of the target population. The study was developed in a Basic Health Unit-BHU under the full management of UNIUBE, in the Alfredo Freire borough. A specific instrument focused on the perception of the interdisciplinary concept and the Pro-Health experience was built to evaluate the practical experience. The instrument included data on personal identification, interviewees’ schooling and professional background (head, professor, undergraduate student, subprogram supervisor, besides HBU officials and users), as well as their opinion on their interdisciplinary experience. Through report analysis, it may be concluded that the Area was the inducing agent and Pro-Health was the facilitator of the interdisciplinary process among the undergraduate courses in the Health Area. Also, that the interdisciplinary factor, besides its inherent cognitive element, carries a subjective component represented by the willingness to cooperate, collaborate and exchange ideas, besides sharing knowledge and working experience. In short, the interdisciplinary factor is a matter of attitude in face of knowledge, its diffusion and praxis.


educação education saúde interdisciplinary experience interdisciplinaridade health

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