Interações entre avós e seus netos com deficiência: uma experiência em musicoterapia / Interactions among grandmothers and their disabled grandchildren: an experience in musictherapy




A newborns arrival is always full of expectancies. When the fantasized infant is born with a disability, however, this may bring an impact in the family, creating new ways of relationships. Sometimes, the extensive family, such as grandparents, and other relatives, or even other systems outside the family may help to relieve the stress caused by the infant`s disability. Studies suggest that grandparents be included in intervention programs because of the importance of their emotional support to the parents. The aim of this research was to observe the interaction between dyads of grandmothers and their disabled infants in a musical activity situation. A sequence of musical activities was organized, from listening to short classical pieces, dancing, rhythmic following, free instruments exploration, with 45 minutes duration, being the dyads accompanied by the researcher and another trained observer. Results suggest that musical context may help interaction between grandmother and grandchild. Musical elements, including the musical instruments were facilitators of infants and grandmothers emotional expressions, starting positive emotions and attitudes, most of the time. Infants, although disabled, showed ability to experience musical activities, as well as establishing new intersubjective exchanges, confirming assertions of authors studied in the theoretical references.


infants deficiência avós disability musictherapy bebês grandparents psicologia intersubjetividade inata musicoterapia netos innate intersubjectivity grandchildren

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