Interação mãe-filho portador de deficiência: concepções e modo de atuação dos profissionais em estimulação precoce / Interaction of mother-child with disability: a conception approach to professionals in early intervention




The research examines conceptions and approaches of professionals attending babies with disabilities in early intevention during ages 0 to 1 year old, while verifying the interaction of mother-child during sessions. Twenty two professionals were interviewed (seven teachers, six speech-language therapists, five physiotherapists and four psychologists), in six different institutions in the city of Curitiba, Paraná. After qualitative analysis of the data, the following has been observed in the professionals: a) they have put emphasis on a technical approach, aiming at the disability and the child, with emphasis in several activities and therapeutic exercises; b) they do not consider or it is a unknown to them the benefits of the interaction mother-child in promoting the infantile development, therefore not taking into consideration the presence of mother in the first plan but at the second; c) they have lack of know-how and understanding in the specific area they are acting and recognize that they are not prepared to deal with the family issues. Therefore, the conclusion is to propose a change in the actual emphasis in dealing with early intervention, by taking into consideration the mother-child interaction with the objective to facilitate the interaction of both and thus promoting development of the child. It is recommended that only one specialized professional acts on the child. Although this does not mean that a team-work approach is excluded in the early intervention. Also, it is recommended, among other measures, the involvement of the universities in improving the quality of this specialised field of early intervention, as well as offering courses with special education and emphasis in this thesis.


disabled mother-child relations special education estimulação precoce deficientes early intervention relações mãe-criança educação especial

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