Instituto Estadual de Educação: espaços de participação democrática? / Instituto Estadual de Educação: espaços de participação democrática?




Witch this search, we try to understand and discuss the ways of democratic participation of school communit of Instituto Estadual de Educação, a singular institution wich hás more than 100 years of history in Florianópolis , in the period between 1985 and 1995. We investigate questions toward activies and processes of this democratic institution that occurs inside the school with a real participation of the school community in the main decisions, identifying the blocks and the facilities of this participation. We look for establish a mediation between the singular moment of the day of the school (Inside movements) and the social fights that happened in the country in 1980 and 1990s decades, discussing specific moments of participation as the process of election to the principal of the school (1985 and 1990) and the strikes of the teachers (1987 and 1995). In this way, to understand better these processes, concepts were discussed as participation, social capital and symbolic capital. For the search were analysed documents from the institution comp. file., particular documents, bibliography revision, newspapers and oral expressions of the local people


eleição democracia espaço social election social capital and simbolic capital democracy participation social space educacao participação capital social e simbólico

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