InstantFAQ: uma ferramenta WEB para gestão de FAQ construida segundo a abordagem ADCOMP




The positive influence of the Web has motivated a demand of applications that combine navigation and interativity. These applications are each time more complex and need methods and technologies that aim at a development with quality and low cost. In this perspective, techniques of reuse combined with methods and technologies of the Component-Based Software Engineering allow applications based on the Web (WebApps) to be quickly created from pre-constructed and tested parts. Despite the recent research in the area of Component-Based Development, many methods possess didactics of difficult understanding and/or its processes are complex, making it difficult its dissemination and its use. In this work, we propose a Component-Based Software Development approach called ADComp. It is a result of the research on some current methods (Catalysis, Rational Unified Process and UML Components). Our goal is to define an intuitive, simple, direct and practical process. The ADComp is divided in three stages: (1) definition of requirements, (2) definition of components and (3) implementation of components. The second stage subdivided in the following phases: (i) identification of the component, (ii) interaction with the component and (iii) specification of the component. One of its characteristics is to shape the components in order to integrate its specification and implementation in an executable language: Java as programming language and EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) as model of components. Moreover, all these stages and phases are developed and managed for the CASE tool MVCASE from the Departamento de Computacao of the UFSCar that offers support to UML (Unified Modeling Language), the model of components EJB and standard CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) for distributed applications. A case study of an interactive Web tool is elaborated to validate the approach. It is based on components for FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and phone calls management called InstantFAQ, a multilayer tool that can be integrated and be reused in several WebApps as mechanism of communication and coordination for administrators and users. To validate its functionalities and reutilization, the InstantFAQ is integrated in two WebApps: (1) The Open Education and Distance environment "TelEduc" from the Nucleo de Informatica Aplicada a Educacao of the UNICAMP and (2) Social Management Information System (SIGS) for evaluation and management of income transference programs from the Instituto de Estudos Especiais of the PUC/SP in partnership with the Departamento de Computação e Estatística of the UFMS.


desenvolvimento baseado em componentes component based software engineering instanfaq engenharia de software reusability component based development adcomp software - desenvolvimento software - reutilização ferramentas de busca na web reusabilidade engenharia de software baseada em componentes

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