Influencia de parametros microestruturais e procedimentos de ensaio, no comportamento mecanico de um aço de ultra-alta resistencia e baixa liga




The ultra-high strength and low alloy steels are very established and independent of versatility, low price, and excellent strength, these steels have severallimitations. The technological challenge, in terms of development of these steels, is to obtain high levels of both strength and toughness simultaneously. The increase offracture toughness ofthese steels depends on the efficiency in controlling the microstructure. In the last decades remarkable advances have been made in improving these steels due to the drastic changes on the metallurgical concepts. The analysis capacity has incresed in a very expressive way with the development of fracture mechanics and microstructural characterization tecniques. As a result, the relationship between microstructure and fracture toughness has continuously improved...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


aço - fratura aço de alta resistencia aço - tratamento termico

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