Influencia das boas praticas de fabricação na efetividade da manufatura farmaceutica / The influence of the good manufacturing practices over the pharmaceutical manufacturing effectiveness




The use of Good Manufacturing Practices makes improvements in the pharmaceutical products, concerning national and international legal requirement, but it can also influence the increase of complexity, promoting compartments or barriers to the process flow and, therefore, to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing effectiveness. The operational practice based on the functions searches the best area or department performance, presenting the results out of the organizational or system context. The operational practice based on the processes, in its turn, takes into account the context in which the results are acquired, and opens up the casual relations among several activities, outlining the weak and the strong points of the value added chain. The Pharmaceutical Industry is an example of activities in compartments due to the high number of validations and procedures establishing exactly what to do in each area. The Good Manufacturing Practices can contribute in the creation of barriers between functions, making it harder to identify what really adds value. The bottom-line of the paper will be to show how to identify these barriers, also to increase the quality concept to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing processes


pharmaceutical industry administração da produção produtividade industrial production management industrial productivity qualidade industria farmaceutica quality

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