Influence of the lactation period on the reproductive efficiency of females swine / Influência do período de lactação na eficiência reprodutiva de fêmeas suínas




This experiment was carried out to verify the influence of the lactation period (LP) in the subsequent weaning-conception interval (WCI) and litter size (LS) in primiparous and multiparous sows at Ponte Nova region - MG. Seven year-old data were used (1996 - 2003) of eighteen farms you trade. In relation to alimentary diet of the lactic animals, it was composed of commercial ration and water ad libitum. A total of 79.729 parições were analyzed, divided in different lactation periods: 8 to 13 days, 14 and 15 days, 16 and 17 days, 18 to 21 days and 22 to 25. There was influence (P <0,05) of LP in WCI and in LS, so much for the multiparous as for the primiparous. In both groups LP from eight to 13 days, resulted in an adult (P <0,05) WCI, that was of 4,94 0,8 days for the multiparous and 5,63 0,5 days for the primiparous, when compared with other LP. So much for the multiparous as for the primiparous LP from 22 to 25 days, resulted in a smaller WCI (4,31 0,1 and 4,67 0,5 days, respectively) when compared to other LP. In relation to LS it was verified that a LP ultraprecocious (8 to 13 days) in multiparous, it resulted in smaller number born (P <0,05), that it was of 10,70 0,5 pigs respectively, when compared with other LP. In relationship the primiparous, was observed that LS (10,3 0,9 pigs) it was smaller (P <0,05) for LP from eight to 13 days, when compared with LP from 19 to 21 days and 22 to 25 days, where it was verified a LS of 10,68 0,5 and 11,43 0,8, respectively. So much for the multiparous as for the primiparous LP from 22 to 25 days, resulted in larger LS (11,87 0,3 and 11,43 0,8 pigs, respectively), when compared to other LP. Before the exposed, it can be concluded that the lactation period has influence in the weaning-conception interval and litter size, and the lactation period from 22 to 25 days (traditional weaning) it is the period that provides better results in the weaning-conception interval and litter size of the females swine.


lactation reproductive management lactação reproducao animal sows manejo reprodutivo porca

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