Influence of local and central renin-angiotensin system in development of heart failure in rats. / Influência do sistema renina-angiotensina periférico e central no desenvolvimento de insuficiência cardíaca em ratos.




The myocardial infarction was induced in rats by the permanent occlusion of left coronary artery in two different parts. In the first, infarcted rats were treated (CAPoral, 2g/L water) or not (INF) with oral captopril immediately after infarct and the whole experiment (21 days). In the second part, the infarcted rats were treated with captopril (CAPicv, 2 μL 25 mg/mL/ 12-12 hours) or saline (SAL) intracerebroventricular (icv) during five consecutive days. The functional assessments were performed by electro (ECG) and echocardiogram before and after the experiment. The behavior study of water or hypertonic saline ingestion was performed in individual metabolic cages during the whole period of icv injections. The post-mortem assessment was performed in the end of each part. The ECG recorded from INF, CAPoral, SAL and CAPicv showed similar and indicative values of large myocardial infarction: decrease of QRS index amplitude, presence of Q wave in D1 and rightward deviation of the QRS axis. The main differences in the end of the treatment between INF and CAPoral groups were the prevention of P wave increase and attenuation in rightward deviation of the QRS axis in CAPoral. In the second part, there were no significant differences in ECG exam between infarcted groups. The ECO performed in the first part showed attenuation of the left atrial and ventricular dilatation, ejection fraction improvement and normalization of left ventricular filling only in CAPoral group. In the second part, ECO also showed that captopril treatment induced significative attenuation of left ventricular dilatation and improvement of ventricular filling similarly as captopril treatment by oral route. The study of fluids ingestion showed that CAPicv group exhibited less water ingestion if compared to SAL group. The hypertonic saline ingestion was not different between SAL and CAPicv groups. CAPoral group exhibited smaller scar tissue if compared to INF group. On the other hand, CAPicv group showed similar infarcted area to SAL group in histological study.


infarto medicina veterinaria captopril. sistema renina-angiotensina renin-angiotensin system infarct

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