Induction of Antiviral Antibodies by DNA Immunization Requires neither Perforin-Mediated nor CD8+-T-Cell-Mediated Lysis of Antigen-Expressing Cells†


American Society for Microbiology


DNA immunization induces antibodies to the encoded protein, which indicates that the protein must gain access to the extracellular milieu, allowing it to interact with naïve B lymphocytes. It has been suggested that antigen release may be effected by cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte-mediated lysis of transfected antigen-expressing cells; this might be particularly important for the induction of responses to a noncytopathic, cytosolic protein. Here we show that the induction of antibody responses to one such DNA-encoded protein required neither perforin nor CD8+ T cells. In addition, there was no skewing of the immunoglobulin G isotypes in the absence of perforin.

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