Incorporação de qualidade de serviço no modelo de serviços web / Inclusion of quality of service into the web service model




Although the Web service technology allows the development and execution of distributed applications, it still lacks facilities to deal with Quality of Service (QoS). Consumers may require services with particular non-functional characteristics and expect quality level guarantees. The goal of this thesis is to propose an extended Web service architecture supporting QoS management for Web services. It includes brokers to facilitate service selection according to functional and non-functional requirements and monitors to verify QoS attributes. The main contributions of this approach are: the use of the Web Services Policy Framework (WS-Policy) standard to complement Web Services Description Language (WSDL) specifications with QoS policies; an extension to the Universal Description Discovery &Integration (UDDI) standard for QoS-enriched Web service publication and discovery; and QoS updating to reflect actual service attributes


middleware development world wide web (sistema de recuperação da informação) web services quality middleware world wide web (information retrieval systems) serviços web - desenvolvimento software software - qualidade

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