Incidencia de sinusite maxilar apos osteotomia Le Fort I : estudo clinico, radiografico e endoscopico




The correction of maxillomandibular deformities can involve maxillary osteotomy procedures, which are well stablished in maxillofacial surgery. However, there might be postoperative complications, among which is maxillary sinusitis. The present study evaluated the incidence of maxillary sinusitis after le Fort I osteotomy. Twenty-two adult patients submitted to maxillary surgery (le Fort I osteotomy) or bimaxillary surgery (le Fort I osteotomy plus mandibular osteotomy) for correction of dentofacial deformities were evaluated. The verification of the presence of maxillary sinusitis was done through a brief questionnaire, X-rays (Water s view) and nasal endoscopy. These evaluations were made in immediate preoperative and postoperative periods, the latterranging from six to eight months. Analysis of results showed an incidence of 4,76% of maxillary sinusitis as postoperative complication in the studied population


radiografia sinusite endoscopia

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