Implementação de algoritmos preditivos para controle de juntas roboticas




This work presents studies about robotic joints control using a predictive control technique. The purpose of this study is the application of the generalized predictive controller (GPC) in the robot control. First, this problem is located, emphasizing its kinematics model and also approaching relative aspects to the dynamic model. The use of PID controllers in a robotics servo-system is discussed. After that, a study on the predictive controllers theory is presented, with emphasis in GPC controller, presented in RST form and the tuning problem is approached. The simulation is carried out using a model representing one degree of freedom of a robot, whose results are obtained through a program developed with the Matlab TM environment. The results obtained with the GPC controller are compared to those obtained using a PID controller. The experimental validation was carried out using an experimental device of the Service Automatique Supeléc (France). Finally, two devices for experimental validation in robotic joints are presented, showing its features and considering aspects of the control and monitoring system


controle preditivo controladores pid robos - sistemas de controle

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