Impactos de um portal corporativo sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas e o compartilhamento do conhecimento.




This research has sought to analyze the impacts on the system development process, and as it relates to the knowledge sharing processes, of the implementation of new technology, the Corporative Portal, in a Systems and Information Technology department of a local government of the State of Bahia. Based on this research it was noted that even in a pure technological environment, a cultural change introduced through the use of a new technology is a significant collective effort to achieve its final objective, once it is necessary to both adapt the new technology and to the new technology, as well as properly communicate what is meant to be achieved, in a manner that the parties involved in the process feel co-responsible and ownership of the process. Any organizational change has its inherent difficulties, but they are not impossible. There are several parties involved, with different expectations, needs and capabilities. When objectives are clearly set and well communicated the process tends to be smoother. In light of these observations, it is possible to state that it is necessary for one to achieve success in such a process to have a deep knowledge of the organizational culture and to respect it so the resistances to the change are minimal.


organizational change knowledge management and corporative portal gestão do conhecimento mudança organizacional comunicação organizacional administracao portal corporativo organizational communication

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