Impactos da implantação de sistema de gestão ambiental em uma fábrica de calçados


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper aims identifying the effects of the Environmental Management System in both internai and externai relationships of a footwear company located in Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul. The case study shows how the company structured itself, during the first fifteen months of system implementation, in such a way as to incorporate the principies and techniques of environmental management regarding its productive process and relationship with the several groups involved, such as partners, customers, suppliers and community. In order to do this, representatives of these groups were interviewed and field survey and documental research were carried out. This works shows that, despite the absence of an assessment system, the company has been obtaining significant benefits from the implementation of an environmental policy, with positive repercussions mainly in the corporate cuiture evolution and in its relationship with customers. However there are still gaps to be filled in as, for example, the need for a greater involvement with suppliers concerning the development of alternative materiais to produce less ecologically agressive footwear. On the other hand, the fact of being a footwear assembler makes the company even more subject to the material specifications and designs chosen by the export companies. The conclusion of this study is that only through the commitment of the higher levei management with the formal implementation of the Environmental Management in the strategic planning, the company will achieve and guarantee differential competitive advantages in the national and international footwear areas.


gestão ambiental meio ambiente : administração indústria de calçados resíduos : administração produção industrial resíduos sólidos residuos liquidos impacto ambiental indústria calçadista

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