AVHRR/NOAA images to detect and quantify deforestation in Amazon Forest: relation with TM/Landsat / Imagens do sistema sensor AVHRR/NOAA na deteção e avaliação de desmatamentos na Floresta Amazônica: relações com dados do sistema TM/Landsat




This work analyzes the use of AVHRR/NOAA images to detect and evaluate deforestation in the Amazon Forest using TM/Landsat images for validation and calibration of the results. A pilot methodology was developed for the region of "Serra do Roncador", MT, where deforestation is caused by large agriculture and cattle projects. An AVHRR image with spatial resolution of 2 km and geometrically corrected was used to classify areas of deforestation and forest. The identification of these classes and the comparison and validation of the area estimates with the visual interpretation of the TM/Landsat images were based and on the use of Geographical Information System. The results of forest and deforestation areas obtained from AVHRR were compared to TM data using statistical analyses and strong linear correlation and regression were found between the data sets (R2= 0.93). An application of the model for the region of São José do Xingu, MT, with a deforestation pattern similar to that found in the first region, presented adequate results with average erros of 3% for the total forest area. The results corroborated the use of AVHRR band 3 to detect and monitor alterations in forestes areas. TM/Landsat data are necessary to calibrate estimates of areas.


vegetacao satélites landsat monitoramento floresta amazônica florestas calibração estimativa sig calibration desflorestamento geometric rectification (imagery) landsat satellites sistemas de informação geográfica instrument errors desmatamento mapeador temático (landsat) thematic mappers (landsat) advanced very resolution radiometer (avhrr) statistical analysis deforestation imagens landsat radiômetro avançado de resolução muito alta serra do roncador (mt) imagens noaa rain forest geographic information sytems satélites noaa

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