Identification and characterization of expressed sequence tags (EST) in broiler’s breast muscle. / Identificação e caracterização de seqüências expressas (EST) na musculatura peitoral de frangos de corte.




Brazilian’s chicken production is increasing annually around 10%, which can be explained by the current technology applied to this sector ( Being chicken’s meat the cheapest animal protein source for consumers, there is a need to produce even more animals with increased muscular mass. For this purpose, understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved with the skeletal muscle development is of great relevance. The myogenic factors, genes responsible for the determination and differentiation of muscle cells, were cloned and significant progress was made on the control of their expression. The use of DNA sequencing technique allows the identification and characterization of new genes involved in the complex chain of factors signalling systems that regulates the expression of avian skeletal muscles. In this study, two cDNA libraries (embryonic and post-hatching phases) were constructed from the breast muscle of a chicken broiler line (TT) and one library, from the embryonic phase, from a chicken layer line (CC). The EST (Expressed Sequencing Tags) analysis was used to identify probable new genes involved in the skeletal muscle development. The identified ESTs were used to generate a database containing 6247 breast muscle ESTs from two chicken lines in two development phases. Real time PCR was employed with the aim of establishing a relationship among the expression profile of myogenic factors (MyoD, MFR4, and myogenin), Pax-3 and myostatin genes with the formation and maturation of muscle fibers. In general, the expression of myogenic factors was greater in the broiler than in the layer chicken line in the phases under study. These results should contribute to other cellular and molecular development studies besides providing useful resources for chicken breeding programs whose objective is the deposition of skeletal muscle mass.


gene expression melhoramento genético animal expressão gênica chicken biologia animal desenvolvimento animal expression sequence tags (ests) myostatin frangos de corte myogenic factors breast muscle linhagem animal

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