Hypertonic saline resuscitation in sepsis


BioMed Central


The review by Oliveira and colleagues on the subject of hypertonic saline resuscitation in sepsis (included in the present issue) suggests possible benefits for hypertonic saline. There is a firm experimental basis for the actions of hypertonic saline/hyperoncotic solutions in hemorrhagic hypotension, which include expansion of blood volume, improvement in cardiac index, favorable modulation of the immune system, and improvement in survival. These actions are presumed to be of benefit in the treatment of sepsis or septic shock. However, there are few experimental data regarding the use of these solutions, and clinical studies are descriptive. The major impact of early administration of hypertonic solutions may be attenuation of tissue injury, sepsis, and septic shock. Early and aggressive fluid resuscitation with hypertonic solutions to clinical end-points should be investigated in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, and septic shock.

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