Hospitais gerais filantropicos em cidades de pequeno e medio porte : novo espaço para a internação psiquiatrica




The present work has the objective to describe the process that make some "Santas Casas" and philanthropist general hospitals from the States of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina, to install infirmaries and reserve beds for psychic patients, and to know the real situation of this assistance. For this purpose a critical and wide reading was done about the specific topics and ten institutions were selected and visited where the descriptive form was applied. The first part of this work takes into consideration factors, which enrich the discussion within the mental health field in Brazil, in the scientific and political area as well as some areas of civil society. These factors, the cultural conceptions connected to the philanthropy, the charity and the policies of social control have been and they still are, in our opinion, in the base of the historical development of the mentioned sector. Some changes, which happen in the general and mainly in the psychiatrist medical assistance were treated in reference to the international leveI as they determined important transformations in Brazil and influenced the phenomenon faced in this work. Among these ones, we underlined the discentralization of the psychiatrist hospital from the focus of assistance and the creation of new structures such as the Psychiatric Units in General HospitaIs (upHGs). Ten institutions were chosen based on data collected in a census done in Brazil by DATASUS - 4 in MG (Araguari, Carangola, Formiga and Poso Alegre), 4 in SC (Curitibanos, Joinville, Lages and São Francisco do Sul) and 2 in SP (Ibitinga and Lençóis Paulista). Besides, 43 interviews were done to peopIe directly or indirectly connected to the psychiatric area. It was observed that five institutions have psychiatric infirmaries (2 in MG and 3 in SC) and five reserve beds for psychic patients (2 in MG, 1 in SC and 2 in SP). All the infirmaries work with invoIuntary admissions and the number of beds varies from 13 to 32. Only three medical centres allow invoIuntary admissions and all of them reserve 5 beds for psychiatry. The place available is not enough, not only for the nurses but also for the patients personal objects. The suppIy of the basic and psychiatric medicine is partially adequate; in some cases the psychiatric medicine is not update.However, half of the visited hospitaIs hardly count with the pharmacological resources as a therapy and their work teams are formed by psychiatrists, nurses, emphasising the lack of training in human relation to work with psychic patients. The more frequent diagnostics taken to hospital are esquizoftenias, alcoholism and deep psychosis. The average used to be at hospital is 17 days. This work structures a group of information and presents for the first time the analysis of new tendencies which were taken into practice in the Iast years in some states of Brazil. In this way, the project to widen the knowledge about the actual situation in the area as well as to facilitate future changes in reference to the improvement in the quality of the psychiatric assistance. In this way, it fosters a greater interchange of experiences and data, an expectation that was explicit by all the resources of information.


saude mental psiquiatria - historia serviços de saude mental

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