"Hipertensão arterial e fatores de risco associados: estudo entre universitários da cidade de Lubango-Angola" / Arterial hypertension and associated risk factors: study among college students from Lugango city - Angola.




This research, developed among college students Lugango city - Angola, aimed at identifying the prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and associated risk factors in this population. The theoretical reference adopted was the Lalonde model for “Population health”, with elements from human biology, environment, life style and management of health services. The population studied was composed of 667 college students from 18 to 55 years old, mean 29 and standard deviation of 8. The data was obtained by means of individual interviews, performed in the college where they studied. At the end of each interview, the body weight, height, waist perimeter, arterial pressure (AP) values, abdominal and hip circumference were assessed. The body weight assessment was evaluated utilizing a portable balance; the height assessment with a non-elastic tape measure, fixed in a flat wall 50 centimeters from the floor. The arterial pressure was assessed by the auscultatory method, with aneroid sphygmomanometers tested and properly calibrated and rubber bladder compatible to the arm circumference of each individual. Data related to human biology indicated that 17.1% of the interviewed were over weight; 3.2% were obese. The prevalence of SAH was of 23.5%. When the familiar antecedents were analyzed, 40.3% declared that at least one of their parents presented hypertension and 22.0% had, at least, one first grade parent with the disease. With respect to environment; 36.1% had exclusive dedication to studies; 55.5% worked on the public service, 28.9% did not received individual income; 51.3% received an individual income of up to 250 dollars. With regard to familiar income, 27.0% did not know to inform; 33.1% indicated an income of up to 250 dollars; 51.9% related that only one person of the family contributed to the familiar income. With regard to life style, 86.2% used to practice some physical activity, 61.2% practice it three or more times a week; 60.6% indicated salty food preference; 4.0% were smokers; 47.6% of the smokers started with the addiction when they were around 19 years old; 8.4% of nonsmokers used to share closed places with smokers day by day; 40.6% use to drink alcoholic drinks; 59.8% considered themselves as stressed; 15.3% of the women utilized hormonal contraceptives. With regard to the management of health services, 82.8% had already assessed their AP in some occasion and 65.4% of them did not remember the obtained value; 12.7% did not have previous knowledge of the possible causes for SAH; 92.1% utilized some type of health service; 73.6% used to look for health services just in extremely need, in order to obtain medical care. The data show a high prevalence of SAH, considering that most of the subjects were young; a lack of information about arterial hypertension and the presence of auto-created habits that are considered as risk factors to hypertensive and cardiovascular diseases that can be modified by means of implementation of educative programs with actions directed to health promotion, in order to control these diseases.


cardiovascular diseases hipertensão hypertension doenças cardiovasculares fatores de risco risk factors

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