Habilidades Sociais e Competência Social do Professor Líder / The leader teachers social abilities and competence




This paper was aimed to provide an analysis on leadership, social abilities and social competence in an educational one, since teaching privileges a repertoire of social abilities, social competence and leadership as fundamental for the success and good performance of the duet teacher student. The objective of this study was also to evaluate and to account the abilities that appeared on the repertoire of those teachers perceived as leaders by students of Management at a private higher education institution having as a basis the Del Prettes Inventary of Social Abilities, The Leadership Theory based on Principles and the Traits Approach of Leadership. The research was intended to identify if the teachers mentioned on the previous theoretical basis could be considered leaders. The results found out that almost all the teachers evalued showed excellent or good repertoire of abilities, although only three among then had been considered leaders by the students. At the same time, it was noticed that teachers who had a very low level of nominations also showed a potentially good repertoire. The teachers who presented a weak repertoire, thus being suitable for training or intervention programs corresponded to the students perception; that is, they had not been considered leaders. The evaluation results matched up the level of nominations; however, one should take into consideration changeable personal, environmental and circumstantial aspects. The Del Prettes Inventary an instrument of self- relating planned for our reality permitted the identification of deficits and social ability resources as well as revealed self-perception and self-esteem aspects highly important in professional terms those days.


administracao liderança relações sociais social performance desempenho social leadership social relations

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