Grupo de apoio: espaço para novas conversas acerca do diabetes mellitus / Support group: space for new conversations about Diabetes Mellitus




Given the increasing prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in the world population, health education has been the focus of studies seeking strategies for effective selfcare by people who have this illness. The present study was conducted in the context of the activities of a University Centre for Research and Extension, where educational activities are conducted in a group for people with diabetes through multidisciplinary team, comprising nurses, psychologists, dietitians and physical trainers. The objective was to investigate the contributions of a support group in learning for self-care in diabetes, according to participants. Data collection was performed during six months, with four audio recording of meetings coordinated by three psychologists and a nurse, attended by 16 persons. The data were transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis, from which emerged the following categories: I belong to a support service in diabetes; Im a diabetic, feelings and challenges related to illness; Demystifying the singularity: the power of exchanging experience in group and assessments made by participants during the group sessions. The first three were divided into subcategories that enabled a greater exploration of the themes. In these meetings have emerged emotional demands of the participants about the DM and its treatment, especially regarding the change of habits. Participants problematized and discussed the professionals recommendations, collectively producing forms of fighting the illness. We perceive the groups development over the meetings. Changes are presented in terms of group process, as compared with the gradual acquisition of knowledge and incorporation of new attitudes toward DM


diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus enfermagem group processes nursing processos grupais

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