Group therapy and nursing: the student and the theoretical-practical transition. / "Grupoterapia e enfermagem: o estudante e a transição teórico-prática"




Throughout its history, nursing teaching has been characterized by the constant implementation of curricular changes in undergraduate courses and discussions on pedagogical proposals. Nowadays, in the biopsychosocial, economic and cultural context, there has been a need to take into account the complexity of human beings and the environment they live in, so as to constitute resources that allow for the formation of competent professionals to deal with the challenges of the XXIst century. Hence, we cannot forget about the humanitarian views, which are threatened by modernity, with its virtual relations that are increasingly distant from touch and human warmth. Undergraduate students at the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing -USP (EERP-USP) frequently present their teachers with the difficulties they face when they are confronted with professional nursing practices, which are new to them, and with the inquiries and doubts they bring up with respect to the course. This study aimed to verify the existence of anxiety, anguish and fear which, according to literature, undergraduate students may experience in the transition process from theory to practice, on the basis of comments presented in a group activity; to discuss the results of this group work in view of group development phases, in accordance with Yalom (1995) and Lasalle and Lasalle (2001); and to examine the study participants’ opinion about positive and negative aspects of group meetings through individual interviews. 16 group meetings were held at EERP-USP, with the participation of 12 students enrolled in subject ERG-218 Fundamentals II. A qualitative study was carried out by means of participant observation. The study involved three phases: pre-group (steps before data collection), group meetings (actual data collection) and evaluation (through individual interviews). Data analysis was based on a survey of the subjects present in each meeting, which were related to the phases of the group process (initial, operational and final phase), as well as subjects that came up during the evaluation interviews. These subjects were discussed through reflective comments. Therapeutic factors like cohesion, catharsis, altruism and universality permeated the group meetings. Furthermore, we identified characteristics of functioning as support, emphasis on the here and now and directiveness as factors that structured the group. We conclude that, although limited to a specific student group, this support strategy was useful and deserves further study. Group work facilitates the exchange of course-related experiences and offers the opportunity to expose fears and anxieties faced by the students, thus assisting in the formation of human beings who are charged with delivering care to others.


estudantes de enfermagem educação em enfermagem teaching nursing education ensino group psychotherapy psicoterapia de grupo nursing students

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