Grau de fragilizaÃÃo dos pacientes assistidos no nÃcleo de atenÃÃo ao idoso â NAI/UFPE




The gradual aging of the population and the consequente increase of the number of elderly people results in the increase of the chronic-degenerative illnesses and new demands for the sector of health, bringing up a challenge for the sanitary authorities because they demand the implantation of new models of assistance programs a lot of care. The study it used an instrument of evaluation of the access flow and definition of priorities in a ambulatory net, through the questionnaire adapted by Veras (2003a) from the studies of Boult et al (1993), with objective questions aiming the capitation and ordinance of that elderly people who were running the risk of being hit by fragilities, understood as probability of repeated hospital internment. It was applied to 112 aged people that had frequented the Nucleus of Attention to the Elderly People of the Federal University of Pernambuco in the period of august to september of 2006. The applied questionnaire revealed an efficient instrument to organize and to command a health service, it makes possible to classify with clarity the aged people in greater and the minor risk. It was verified that of the aged people studied, 44.04% showed up a low risk of frailty, 43.12% average risk, while only 12.84% had presented high level of frailty. The observed factors of risk for the possible prevision of damages had been medical consultations, self-perception of health, age average, income and internment in last the 12 previous months to the interviews. The results converge with those ones found in other studies. Therefore, this study may contribute for a system of a more efficient and resolutive health for the elderly population, favoring the construction of a system of adjusted support, increasing the possibility of a healthful oldness


fragilizaÃÃo frailty saÃde coletiva public health elderly population saude coletiva idosos

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