Graphic design and social mobilization: posters against the war in Iraq / Design gráfico e a mobilização social: cartazes contra a guerra do Iraque




This MA thesis conceptualizes and analyzes the field of the socially committed graphic design. Throughout the collect of data about graphic design committed to actions of social improvement, we have checked that the poster is the most used visual support. So, we have begun this study with a broad view of the history of the poster as an attempt to prove its role as a reflex of its historical period and the improvement of visual communication. After that, we show the socially committed graphic design through a theoretical foundation by showing texts of design philosophers, and a historical synthesis with examples about the use of graphic design in enterprises of social improvement. To finish, we show a case study with the graphic analysis of posters of the campaign against the war in Iraq, as a way of conceptualizing some visual strategies used in the graphic language of protest.


design gráfico social graphic analysis protest análise gráfica desenho industrial cartaz protesto poster social graphic design iraq iraque

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