Governança de redes interorganizacionais no terceiro setor : níveis de controle formal em atividades operacionais de gestão do conhecimento - o caso do COEP Paraná 2000-2003




Interorganizational networks have called the attention of researchers for being considered an ideal response to increasing interorganizational complexity in the search of eficiency and as a result of the share of tangible and untangible, direct and undirected resources. Actual cientific literature argue that, in order to do so, traditional management models are inapropriate to perform coordenation and control tasks, specially due to high levels of dinamic evolution found at interorganizational networks. Authors argue that, in this kind of environment, interact different logics, cultures, interests, flow of information, levels of trust and evaluation criteria, between many other variables (AGRANOFF &McGUIRE, 1999). Recently, the incorporation of knowledge management theories in the study of complex organization structures have been motivate the development of new approaches about network management specificities. This research presents a case study applied on an interorganizational network with social purposes, based on recently studies about knowledge network applications (ARCHER, 2003), social network analysis (KREBS, 2002; HANEMANN, 2003) and governance network mechanisms (JONES, HESTERLY e BORGATTI, 1997; AGRANOFF e McGUIRE, 1999; VAN AKEN e WEGGEMAN, 2000). It was possible to verify through mapping of knowledge network applications implications of interactionpatterns over formality levels of control mechanisms, which compose the basis of its coordination. This exploratory study presents a partial diagnosis of a real social network interorganization functioning. The methodology choice social network analysis made it possible to evaluate the applicability of a formal matemathics tool in complex social and/or organizational description. Besides specific case conclusions, it was concluded that this methodology demonstrates huge applicability on interorganizational network studies, considering its formal/operational properties on complex structure analysis.


comitê de entidades no combate à fome e pela vida governança corporativa administracao estrutura social associações sem fins lucrativos gestão do conhecimento

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