Góngora and Gregório de Matos: the praising gender in three pairs of poems / Góngora e Gregório de Matos: o gênero epidítico em três pares de sonetos




This work aims to propose a comparative analysis among three pairs of poems of the praising gender, written by Gongora and Gregorio de Matos, about some topos concerning death, to investigate the way these authors work with the concept of originality or of copy are not allowed to XVII century writters, once the first production comes from immitating ancient authorities, from the XVI century or contemporary of the same poets, obbeying to preceptive of aristothelic imitatio or aemulatio. Taking the obbey to rules of retorics and Poethics, in this work we try to search the proceedings of elocutive elaboration of the texts, intending to proove the proceedings that make the diference between Gregorio de Matos as Gongora´s immitator, in their respective cultural contextes and regarding, also, the mentality of death at the XVI and XVII centuries, since the perspective of Catholic Ortodoxy, dramatically ruled by the Trent Concile.


death poética retórica gregório de matos góngora gregório de matos morte poetics góngora retoric

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