Gestão mineral e ambiental : contribuições para o planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo no municipio de Iguape (SP) / Mineral and environment management : contributions to the planning of land development in municipal district of Iguape (SP)




The present dissertation quest argue the mineral resources and the environment management in Iguape (S.P.). That is the bigger municipal district in territorial area in the State of São Paulo, and too, environmental complex region where ocurrer many disagreement refering to the planning of land development, considering that the municipal district present nearly 40% this your land blockeaded to the economic activities refering to the environments legislations what in decade of 80 created varios Environment Conservation Units and correlated areas. Among the activities blockaded to the restricts legislations that import in the land development, emphasize it the mineral activity. Thus, the socio-economic conflits are varios, because to have the necessity for minerals assets, essentially the domestics minerals, and too the necessity for the environment conservation. The environments institutions, for this, prohibit any activity that implication in environment alteration, propitiating the irregular and clandestine actions for the extracts (citty hall and privates). By manner of compensation to the restrict imposed, the State repass for municipal district that have legally preserved areas, inssufficient values deriving from ICMS collected taxes, to attend the lawsuit of the municipal district, thus than to attend the environments exigences imposed to the institutions States and federals. In this work was discussed the varios conflicts existents between the mineral activity and the environment protection, thus than the public institution actuation refering the problems in question, looking at the compatibilization of the conflicting interests. How resulted of survey refering the minerals activities and the environment conservation units of Iguape are make sugestions that showing to the necessity of continue in activity determined mines, since than beeing profiled the negatives environments impacts. At Iast, it makes discuss refering to the socio-economics impacts decurrents of the establishment the Environment Conservation Units, searching with that, to cooperate for the planning of land development in the municipal district


planejamento urbano - iguape (sp) proteção ambiental politica ambiental politica mineral zoneamento - iguape (sp)

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