Gestão da construção de hidrelétrica de grande porte : aderência de práticas gerenciais ao modelo PMBOK ênfase em tempo, custo e comunicação.




The purpose of this study is to verify the adherence of the management practices proposed in the PMBOK in the construction management of two major hydroelectric power plant in the year of 2005. Twenty-three PMBOK propositions were selected. The data needed for this study was collected through direct observations at job sites, documents assessments and interviews using multiple-choice and constructed-response questions. Job site managers, executives and consultant were interviewed so as to get different views of the data collected. A bibliographic research was elaborated about the project management matter. The research was mainly based on the PMBOK. The research results attest that the company management practices are applied in both projects and that they are adherents to the PMBOK propositions. In addition, it was possible to describe management practices related to the time, cost and communication variables and others relevant practices that were taken for granted by PMBOK. This study recommends that the references related to the project critical path and budget are among the prior aspects to be investigated in future researches about project management.


construction tempo hydroelectric power plant custo project management pmbok communication gerenciamento de projetos pmbok administracao construção cost comunicação time hidrelétrica

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