Geração de recursos próprios: uma análise dos seus efeitos na sustentabilidade de ONGs.




Within the area of NGO sustainability, this dissertation attempts to understand the effects of NGOs efforts to generate their own income in Brazil and how this affects the sustainability of these organizations. After a literature review of the area of sustainability and NGO sustainability this work reflects on the peculiarities of a type of organization found in the vast universe of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), commonly referred to as NGOs in Brazil. Then a framework for analysis is drawn up to aid investigation. A multiple case study method was applied to investigate four NGOs in Bahia: Bahia Support Group for the Prevention of AIDS (GAPA-BA), Axe project, the Bahia Lyceum of Arts and Skills (Liceu) and CIPO Interactive Communication (CIPO). This study concludes that it cannot be said that actions to generate income are responsible for the sustainability or self-sustainability of an NGO as their effects in the sustainability of these organization are very varied. It was also found that NGOs which carry out activities to generate income using excessive effort, management principles, disconnecting themselves from their mission and values and depending on this source to greater degree, tend not to engender positive effects in the sustainability of such organizations.


geração de recursos próprios income generation sustentabilidade sustainability administracao organização não governamental (ong) non governmental organization (ngo)

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